A hand picked list of DevOps/SRE Newsletters

I often get messages from colleagues and friends how I keep myself updated with DevOps/SRE related news and articles, So today I am going to disclose my secret sources 😉 .

Here is a the list of my top newsletters related to DevOps and SRE

Devops Weekly : A weekly slice of devops news brought to you by Gareth Rushgrove.

SRE Weekly : SRE Weekly is a newsletter devoted to everything related to keeping a site or service available as consistently as possible

Monitoring Weekly : Best articles, news, and new tools related to monitoring

LearnK8s : Curated Kubernetes news, article and resources

KubeWeekly : The weekly newsletter for all things Kubernetes and beyond.

eks.news : This newsletter is curated by the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Developer Advocates.

DevOps Bulletin : A hand curated digest of must-read DevOps tutorials, books, podcasts, open-source projects and jobs.

Bonus Content! 🙌

r/devops : Subreddit for everything DevOps

r/sre Subreddit for everything site reliability engineering.

r/ExperiencedDevOps : Subreddit for experienced DevOps engineers and those who want to learn from them!

HN digest : Daily email with top Hacker News stories

hackernewsletter : Weekly email with top Hacker News stories

That’s it for now, I will try to keep this post updated with new newsletters as I find them.